
Production Update

May 07, 2016 Jonathan Burkholder

Coffee in full bloomBack again after a long silence!  The harvest is past, and the coffee has bloomed a number of times already.  The harvest this year was about 40% of the previous year's quantity.  We had experienced a hard dry season, then rainy season began, but only with a few rains, and the whole region experienced a drought. Most of the crop farmers lost their spring planting.  The coffee production was much lower for many also.  


But this year's outlook is much brighter.  We've had a few good rains at key times in the flowering cycle, and the plants are loading up with cherries for the year. We spread lime a number of weeks ago, and plan to fertilize the beginning of next month. We are currently in the process of preparing holes for replanting some trees that have died out.

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