2021-2022 Harvest has begun!
December 15, 2021 • Jonathan Burkholder
We had a great growing season this year, with rainfall amounts and frequency being nearly ideal, both during dry season and rainy season! This season's coffee crop is looking good, and we've already been through the fields a couple times to pick the early small pickings. We can expect the crop to ripen more evenly for a good picking by the end of December, then the coffee harvest will peak in January and February before tapering off. We rebuilt one of our coffee drying greenhouses during the off-season, increasing our capacity.
Product Availability Update
May 14, 2020 • Jonathan Burkholder
We were again able to export coffee in spite of the Covid-19 lockdown restrictions in Honduras. It arrived at our location in PA early this week. You will notice we have made Morning Splendeur available again in our product list. We plan to begin getting another shipment together next week to ensure continued product availability.
Coffee export delays due to Covid-19 lockdowns
April 17, 2020 • Jonathan Burkholder
Tip of the Day
March 30, 2019 • Jonathan Burkholder
Like iced coffee? Don't dump the leftover coffee down the drain. I like to keep an ice cube tray or two in the freezer especially for emptying the carafe. When I want iced coffee... Add a few frozen coffee cubes to the next day's extra coffee a little bit of milk sugar a few drops of vanilla and it's ready to go!
Processing update 2018/2019
March 05, 2019 • Jonathan Burkholder
The biggest excitement of the coffee year was the installation of a coffee depulping & washing machine.
This is the first step of post-harvest processing...
Coffee pulp is a nutrient-rich organic matter...